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...is an energetic editor, features writer and poet who speaks French. This Blog explores current events and thought, mystical topics, God, Nature, and the Universe thru fiction, non-fiction, poetry and ways to laugh out loud. This Grotto will explore all that is - both SEEN and UnSEEN. These include love, prosperity, inner-peace and some magical keys to simply and effectively unlock your huge potential NOW! I hope to raise a few Botox-free eyebrows and help people walk into the Mystic. I'll be writing about the serious and the silly too! Believe me when I tell you that things do change one idea, one action, one person at a time! Help a "a somebody" meditate, think, dance and generate your powerful energy and amp up theirs too! Through my articles, fiction and poetry, I am going to dig until I find diamonds! I know my Blog design needs a makeover but so does Lady Ga-Ga. Right? Thank you, ~ Mystic Amy

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Friday, December 25, 2009

The Heavenly Host: Beginning with The 7 Archangels

The Heavenly Host: Beginning with The 7 Archangels

By: Amy Elizabeth Frerichs-Soukup
Pen name: ~ Mystic Amy

Holy Arhangel Michael: Prince of the Seven Archangels

November 21st is The Archangel, Michael's Feast Day

Hierarchy of God's Angels
Yes, there is a hierarchy among God's beloved angels. The highest are assembled of the seraphim, cherubim and the thrones, which are the closest to the Holy Trinity. The very closest to God are the six-winged, seraphim, who are aflame with God's love and incite that same fire in others - angels and people alike. In Genesis 1 after Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden, we find the, many-eyed cherubs guarding the gates to Eden. The cherubim shine with the knowledge of God's mysteries and the great depth of His wisdom. They enlighten others, hence their many eyes. The Lord himself sits on the thrones from where he passes his judgement upon the heavenly bodies, hosts and on mankind. Of the middle hierarchy are the dominions, forces, and powers. The dominions rule over thier earthly domains wisely and practically. Meanwhile, the forces are filled with God's strength and they carry out HIs will on earth and in Heaven. The forces help mankind bear his/her trials, burdens and difficulties associated with the earthly plane by giving people the strength to carry those burdens, sorrows and misfortunes. The powers have the ability to curtail the devil's actions upon humankind. These forces are ever vigilant in their task and have been granted all power over Lucifer, the light bearer in Hebrew. Which brings us to the final hierarchy of angels where the archangel Michael made his princely, high place among the seven other archangels, by battling with Lucifer who had destroyed himself with pride, selfishness and, subsequently, fell from heaven into the fiery pits. Our beloved archangel Michael always defends us in battle, as he so powerfully demonstrated when he kicked Lucifer's behind out of heaven. Lucifer enticed other wicked angels to follow him; hence, the den of demons whose place is in hell and who lurk among the human race. What Satan does to Job is a well known biblical story, as is the story of Jacob's ladder where he climbs in and out of heaven as do the angels, each illustrating the positions the angels have among our kind: humans.

Of this so called, lower division of angels you find the principalities, archangels and angels. Since this hierarchy is termed such by theologians, does not mean that their place among God's loving, powerful cohorts, messengers and guides is any less important. These are just theological classifications which help the faithful understand those which appear to be closest to God upon inspecting scripture.

The Seven Archangels: Closest to Humankind

Michael and God's Six Other Archangels
Names of The Sevens Archangels and What They do
Which brings us to the final hierarchy of angels where the archangel Michael made his princely, high place among the six other archangels, by battling with Lucifer, the bringer of light to men, and casting him into hell with God's desire fulfilled. Lucifer destroyed himself with pride, selfishness and, subsequently, fell from heaven into the fiery pits. If you have ever heard of Luciferic principal, it refers to this fallen angel who became a demon of the dark. This is ironic, because of Lucifer's original station as the bringer of light to men.

Of this so called, lower division of angels, who are the closest to mankind, you find the principalities, archangels and angels. Since this hierarchy is termed as such by theologians, does not mean that their place among God's loving, powerful cohorts, messengers and guides are any less important. These are just theological classifications which help the faithful understand those which appear to be closest to God when studying both Christian and Judaic scripture.

Celestial Bodies embodied in the Seven
Click thumbnail to view full-size

God's Celestial Bodies: Archangels Names and Duties

Have you ever been curious about the immense number of angels above and below: that is in heaven and on earth? Well, most people are familiar with the archangel Michael, who is often pictured defending us in battle, according to the Judeo-Christian books of Daniel, Isaiah, St, John, and Revelation to name a few. Personally, Mystic Amy has, like you, often wondered what the other six archangels names were and what they do for us as our agents, messengers and comforters, among other Godly duties. Here are the names of our archangels, divinely charged with humanity in its needs. The first, as I mentioned, is the Archangel Michael whose main duty is to defend us in battle against all evil. The second best known archangel is the Archangel Gabriel, who is our messenger, who announced the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary and who delivered the message to Zacharias about the coming birth of St. John the Baptiste. We know the Archangel Raphael's name means "God's Healer" who aids men in their illnesses and who is mentioned in the Book of Tobias.

Mentioned in the book of Ezra as the one who prays to God and urges man to pray fervently as the Archangel Salaphiel. Now, the Archangel Jegudiel glorifies God singing, "Holy, holy, holy is God on High..." In fact, all of the angels sing. It is also his place to strengthen those who work, to keep on truckin". Last, but not least, is the Archangel Barachiel, who intercedes before our Lord, God on our behalf when we are not able to utter our own prayers. Barachiel's name means, the blessing of God. Besides these seven archangels who are mentioned in the Book of Tobias, Ezra, the book of Enoch, Tobit and elsewhere throughout scripture, we find that the Archangel Jeremiel, whose name means exhaultation, lifts up our prayers to the holy ones, the Holy One, God. These are the seven holy archangels who are among the very closest to you and me. We can call on them in our need according to their specialities. Archangels, principalities and angels are so very close to us they can hear our thoughts, intervene on ou good behalf. They can appear as glorious heavenly angels or as human beings who pop into your life exactly when you require their help.

I have known the name of my guardian Angel since I was five or six years old; her name is Grace. She, among the other heavenly hosts mentioned throughout this article, have saved my life, sent me inportant messages, helped me to pray when I was unable to form words. But who needs words which so inadequately describe and compel the universe and supreme intelligence: God, when our hearts and minds are already know to Him. We utter our prayers, think in archetypal imagery and generally get an answer soon enough.

So Many Angels, So Much to Learn!
Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards (Large Card Decks)
Price: $9.49
List Price: $15.95
Messages From Your Angels Cards (Large Card Decks)
Price: $8.94
List Price: $15.95
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
Price: $10.85
List Price: $15.95
Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards: 44 cards plus booklet
Price: $8.99
List Price: $15.95

In Conclusion: The Angels
They Lovingly Attend Us

So, these are the names of all of the angels, hosts and attendants to the Father/Mother Principle, better known as God. In researching this article, I found that the angels did guide me, for it is a heavy task to undertake. A task I was glad to learn for myself and also to share with you, my readers. May God hold you in the palm of his Hand. His spirit is all over and about us, so naturally He does not have hands, but many people think of God as a man with a long-flowing white beard and a loving nature, at least as He is shown in the New Testament. The Old Testament depicts a God who is often cruel, frightening, capricious and whimsical. But the God of the New Testament, perhaps because he sent His son in the flesh to experience the human condition as it is, really understands his humans all the better on that account. Now, I have a challenge for you: Can you name all the archangels after reading this piece. Or all of the heavenly hosts? Please ask me anything about the entire Heavenly Host and I'll be glad to research the answer for you, if I don't already know it. Today, November 21st, is the Orthodox Feast Day of St. Michael, the Archangel in whose honor I wrote this article today. Feel free to give this winged prince thanks.

Thank You. From The Grotto of Mystic Amy AKA: Amy Frerichs, M.A., Ph.D.

Copyrighted material 2009

Buy Angel Books, DVDs, CDs from Amazon.com
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service
Price: $6.48
List Price: $8.99
Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels, and the Unseen Forces
Price: $9.56
List Price: $14.95
I Am Your Guard: How Archangel Michael Can Protect You (Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality)
Price: $4.44
List Price: $8.95
Inspired by Angels: Letters from the Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, & Uriel
Price: $7.18
List Price: $12.95

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HealthTip says:
2 weeks ago

Really enjoyed this one as I have always been a big believer of guardian angels and actually wrote a hub about it under my old account. But great hub oh mystical one, you always get my mind a thinking !!

Status: Approved

mystic amy says:
2 weeks ago

Thank you, Art. I am glad u liked it. Took some research, but it panned out. So, that is your pic, eh? What happened to Dr. House?

Status: Approved

mystic amy says:
2 weeks ago

Thank you, Art. I am glad u liked it. Took some research, but it panned out. So, that is your pic, eh? What happened to Dr. House?

Status: Approved


Truth From Truth says:
7 days ago

Thanks Mystic Amy, Im learning much from you.

I really enjoyed the Celestial Bodies picture.

Status: Approved


mystic amy says:
6 days ago

Thank you Truth from Truth - always love it when my articles or short-ficion teach someone something. Check out my recent post to your North Western Food hub, where you enumerated some top spots. Cha-cha.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saint Therese: The Incorruptible

Saint Therese: The Incorruptible Her eyes were wide open, when he put his large hand on her mouth, nearly gagging her. She was so startled, her instinct kicked in and she began to wrestle him to the ground, kneeing him in his guts and in the balls as hard as she could. Would anyone help her in the dark parking garage? God, please don’t let him rape me, she thought, as he suddenly released his grip on her mouth and relieved the pressure on her stomach. While she was still wrestling with him, he began to give in and speak to her in hushed tones, telling her that someone was trailing them and that they had to get into her car and move as fast as they could from here. When she glanced at his face, she saw that it was Malek and drew a breath of relief. “Georgina, get moving, where are your keys? Get them out without making them jingle. Someone is coming down in the next elevator,” he said gasping as he saw the elevator, down-light come on out of the corner of his eye. They want what you took from the museum lab last night. They are looking for you and me!” The truth of what he said gave her a fear she’d never known. She had arranged for the body of St. Therese, the incorruptible, for further research at her own lab in California, where her boss, Dr. Jerome Lavelle, couldn’t have the last word on what should be done with the corpse of St. Therese. After all, she thought, no one knew about the recent find of St. Therese of the Loire Valley except her, Dr. Lavelle and her husband yet. Or so she thought. Scholars, researchers, noetic scientists, theologians, Catholic and paranormal followers of all kinds would kill to get this kind of information, let alone the only unknown or uncatalogued incorruptible corpse, which, for all practical purposes, had not yet been discovered or so they believed. The Mountblacks were an unassuming couple, gifted in their respective fields and; therefore, driven into a high-end social scene that included professors, corporate businessmen and women, scientists, well-known archeologists, Bishops, high-level Masons and politicians, especially those from the Democratic party, and a few Republicans, even though the Mountblacks were privately libertarians. Yes, there were rumors, but Dr. Lavelle hushed those rumors with stories of the Loire Valley dig bringing up nothing but a bunch of unidentified bones in the chateaux burial yard. The dig was performed on a small grant provided for by the Sorbonne to look for the remains of the De Pallisards, an unusual line of French royals who lived near the architecturally intriguing, medieval Castle Blois in the 17th century. They reached the car and got in just as Jerome’s man ran onto the cement platform after exiting the elevator. Georgina almost ran him over as she sped out of the narrow, winding garage. When she came to the security guard to gain exit, she just smiled and waved as the exit bar lifted up. “What in the hell did you think you were doing?” Malek asked angrily. “I mean why now, why this? I know I had a hand in the whole business, helping you load the glass coffin into the UPS truck you borrowed from your brother, but I never meant it to go this far,” Malek said in an almost thrilled manner. “I love you Georgie and you know there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” he said trying to mitigate the circumstances. “All the same, this may be illegal and with my past drug addiction to pain killers and the consequent court cases, I’d rather not get involved with a 350-year-old corpse who still smells like roses”, he said nearly laughing at himself for the adventure they’d now gotten into. “Seven months in jail for pretending to be a doctor by falsifying my own prescriptions wasn’t my cup of tea, Georgie,” he said despondently. She recalled their drama of addiction, the missing him while he was in jail, the lonely nights, the recorded, collect phone calls coming from the Joliet Jail for Men, and her sorrow for his disease and how it made her feel sad and disgusted at the same time. Those memories brought back her feelings of ambiguity about Malek, their ten-year marriage and their young son, Roman. Fortunately, the educated people with whom he worked seemed to elevate him in their minds as a great, on-the-edge, archeologist all the more recognized for his work in piecing together our human ancestry, and the famous digs he’d supervised in France. He hated that drug addicts were vilified and stigmatized, still, in the modern age. Malek often mentioned to me how he thought people would eventually liken the modern-day treatment of drug addicts to the inhumane acts dealt to mental patients for their mental recovery at the turn of the 19th century. I agreed with him and we, with our mutual sense of dark humor, laughed about the horrid use of electric shock therapy, thinking it wasn’t too far off from jailing people, keeping them from their families where they really could recover, and the humiliation for a disease they had no power over. Malek looked behind them as they drove to see if anyone was following them. No one there, he surmised with relief. Before Georgie turned onto Lakeshore Drive, she notied a 2009, blue Mercedes following them at a faster and faster speed. “Melek, look behind us in the lane to the left. Do you see what I think it is?”, she asked picking up her speed. “Yep, my dear. Pick up your speed but don’t go so fast that they’ll be onto us knowing.” He said as he pulled out his cell phone to male a call to Georgie’s brother. “What the hell man. How far have you gotten to San Diego with our precious treasure?” James gave him his GPS position and said he’d be at Georgina’s lab by the next morning, that he’d take care of the details in a very commonplace way, like making a delivery as usual. “Okay James. Listen, the less you know, the better for you and the family. So, do the delivery and take off back to Illinois ASAP, before your next UPS assignment next Monday,” Malek told him with authority. The Mercedes started to swerve over to our lane and, with dexterity, was behind us again and trying to drive us off the drive. The air was cols that night and we sat there calmly planning a way to get this monkey off their trail Before they knew it another car was following them. This time, they were pointing rifles out of the windows of the Cadillac SUV they were driving. “Oh God, Malek! What should I do?” Georgina screamed, all the calmness evaporating into panic. “Drive off onto the ramp leading to the Lincoln Park Zoo. They may miss the ramp if you take is fast!” he said as he churned his head around to see what had happened to the Mercedes. It was not to be seen and the more pressing matter was the Cadillac SUV posing the biggest threat. “I am going to make an illegal and get a cop’s attention, as far as they know, we’ve done nothing wrong.” She said while he nodded in agreement. “Do it!” Malek said, adding that she should make as many traffic violations as possible to get that SUV off their tails. The Cadillac was 5 cars behind them when the Chicago PD stopped them for an illegal U-turn. They were safe for now. The Cadillac SUV and the Mercedes were gone for the moment. While the cop wrote out the ticket, they asked him to please guide them to a moderate hotel, making up a story that they were out-of-towners, explaining that was why they had made the illegal U-turn in the first place – looking for a hotel for the night. MORE TOMORROW - Mystic Amy is tired.

The Marian Trilogy: Part One

Mother of God: Mary's Young Life As a young, first-century Palestinian, Jewish woman of Galilee, I was born during the reign of King Herod the Great, the king of Judea, who many mocked for his lack of common sense and his opulent display of riches throughout his palaces and kingdom. Despite the King's authority and power, he was mocked by the Roman prelates that chiefly ruled the city. Many privately branded him the cruel King and his nickname, among the Pharisees and the poor, was Herod the Brute! SInce I descended from a long line of those from Judea, I am humbly a royal descendant of kings and queens in the years prior to the coming of Christ. My parents, Joachim and Theresa, never boasted of our royal line and remained humble in their dealings with the people in the market where my father sold everything related to olives. My favorite thing to do as a little girl was to take my favorite olives and spit out the pit in wealthy people's gardens to see if an olive tree would grow, but it neer happened in those lovely, watered gardens, to my dismay. On one odd occasion when I was six or seven, I purposely placed an olive pit in the Garden of Gethsemane, which was dry and arid at the time, and to my surprise, it grew tall and beautiful. By the time I reached the age of about 15, the garden had turned into an olive grove which everyone loved, strolling along the trails made specifically for that beautiful olive grove. At the time, I would never have guessed Gethsemene would be the place where my future son would go and seek solace from the same angel who had consoled me in my hour of need. They had called him the "King of the Jews," a title that did no justice to my son, Jesus of Nazareth. By now you may have guessed that my name is Mary. Mother of God is my beloved title now, among others. But I get ahead of myself. I want to tell you about my visit from the angel Gabriel. I never knew I would ever meet an angel, let alone one who presented himself humbly, gently and, yet so firmly. The angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth in Galilee to reach me and tell me the good news. The angel Gabriel said to me, "Greetings, you are highly favored. The Lord is with you." I was frightened and baffled that this huge and beautiful messenger would come to me in the name of the Lord, our God. I shivered for a moment before he spoke again in the most comforting manner I have eve known. "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give the name Jesus." I was aghast at his words. Was I really a pure vessel as the angel had intimated? I felt like any other young woman in Nazareth, holding onto my virginity until I was properly married. And what about Joseph, my betrothed? How would he take this news? I wondered. Would he discard me? Disbelieve my miraculous story about Gabriel? All of these questions whirled around in my mind like so many beads on a strung necklace for sale at the market in the center of town. Gabriel continued with the good news, saying, "He will be great and called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and his kingdom will never end." I asked the angel Gabriel, who was, by now, a calming figure to me despite his enormous size, "How will this be since I am a virgin?" The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." I was not ashamed, no. I was thrilled about the prospect of having a child that would be the messiah. My little son of God. And how I would love him with all of my heart. The angel told me how my elderly cousin, Elizabeth, and her old husband, Zechariah, were expecting a child who would be called, John and that he would prepare the way for my son, Jesus. She was already six months with child, the angel told me and I would be giving birth only three months after Elizabeth! I answered the messenger, Gabriel, "I am the Lord's servant, may it be done to me as you have said." With that, the angel departed as swiftly as he'd come. (The Gospel according to St. Luke, NIV: 1:26-38) Was I really a pure vessel as the angel had intimated? I felt like any other young woman in Galilee, holding onto my virginity until I was properly married. And what about Joseph? How would he take this news? I wondered. Would he discard me? Disbelieve my miraculous story about Gabriel? All of these questions whirled around in my mind like so many beads on a strung necklace for sale at the market in the center of town. I was not ashamed, no. I was thrilled about the prospect of having a child that would be the messiah. My little son of God. And how I would love him with all of my heart. My worries about my up coming marriage were relieved when the angel Gabriel imparted, in a dream, to my betrothed, Joseph of the line of David, that our son's name would be Immanuel, which means "of God". The Angel's vision assured him of the Holy Spirit's conception so that my beloved fiance would not think me a harlot, but rather the second Arc of the Covenant, by carrying the word of God in the flesh within my womb. I was terrified at the promise I had just made by saying, "Let thy will be done." But, His will was done and my son became the savior of the human race. Some say, he was not the messiah, nor God, nor the Son of Man...but, I know the truth and it sets me free. I know that God's love will bring all those souls to heaven; those that do not believe will have peace on earth and in heaven for heaven and earth are one and the same. NEXT ARTICLE WILL BE ON MARY MAGDALENE - tune in and see what her life was like. Thanks: From the Grotto of Mystic Amy Note: This is a piece of short-historical fiction.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Riches and Prosperity Are Yours Right Now

Riches anyone? Well, we all deserve riches and I mean the kinds of riches that make life a happy endeavor. So how do we attain riches? Most times they're right under your nose: your shelter, your bed, your kids and yes, your finances. First, start off by being grateful for what you do have, even a morsel of brain food will do, not to mention gratitude for your talents of body, mind and soul. These are uniquely yours and part of the One, universal mind substance, God, Spirit, or whatever term you are comfortable using.

Tapping into formless matter with specific images of what you desire will soon become a realty. Believe me: I knew it was true when I divined my house, hardwood flooring and all. I began to first imagine the house I wanted, then I started writing down exactly what I wanted in a house, i.e., kitchen, windows, backyard - you name it - I wrote it down, and then I spoke my desire out loud like a prayer, and then acted upon it with the slightest effort. Within two months, my house was right in front of me as I was driving. I was astonished to see
my house directly before me. Looking back, there were messages from my broker and friends about this particular house on my message machine and email, before I had the chance to read them!

Faith and wisdom play a huge part in the attaining of things on the material plane.
Never doubt yourself for a second or what it is that you are trying to attain. Cast your doubts aside like unwanted swine slop; and, when people say negative comments like, "Oh yeah, you'll get rich just thinking about it," they have no faith and can't divine anything from the universal mind substance, God, Spirit or the collective unconscious. We tend to think things must be made by our hands, machines, instruments that were once imagined by someone and tools that were made by hands. But, all things are plentiful, and don't think you are taking away from another by gaining for yourself. God wants us to be happy, it pleases Him to the utmost.

Everything we need and want is there for the asking, as I have said.
It boils down to the power of prayer, but not prayer in the moral majority sense: Speak out loud that which you want to receive, write it down and be as clear as you can about what it is you desire, it will come to you. There are many books on similar subjects like,
The Secret, the Law of Attraction, and others that explore this subject in detail. Some of what is out there is so esoteric that it is a real drag to read. This is not a philosophy, this is TRUTH.

Mystic Amy is not talking about a Santa Claus God here, but a manner of getting that which you richly deserve via clear thought. Divine law manifests infinite desires through heartfelt prayers, images, clear thought, and faith that your desires are coming true NOW. Pay attention because the universe does hear the negative thoughts also. Fortunately, negative thoughts and words have far less impact that positive statements and ideas. Follow the old adage that you get what you wish for, so be cautious.

Three Ways to Divine Riches or Anything Else Your Heart Desires:

First, start by getting a clear image of that house you've dreamed about, your dream job, love at last, or whatever you're hoping Spirit will bring you. Then speak it out loud like you would a prayer. Repeat it privately in your thoughts. Finally, write it down in as clear a way as you can. Next, wait for it to come to fruition. Remember that you must ask without the notion of harming anyone else to receive it or, to one-up your neighbor. Recall, that I said there is enough to go around. In Wallace D. Wattles' book, he explains that getting rich is a science, His book was written about 100 years ago, and is of magnificent importance to us now that the human race is finally evolving enough so that we can finally begin to understand the parables that Christ tried to instruct us with, and the enlightened words of the Buddha, and simple souls who knew the truth about attaining that which people throughout the ages desire. Desire is simply, a prayer not spoken.

Here's a famous quote from Christ's instruction on the power of faith, thought, the spoken word and how to move mountains, from Matthew 17:2: "Because of your little faith," Jesus told them [his disciples]. For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could say to this mountain,
'Move!' and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible."

So you see, these concepts are as ancient as the Old Testament, where Wisdom is personified as a woman who "gives: A Long, Good Life, Riches, Honor, Pleasure and Peace." - Taken from Proverbs 3:16-17. Even the Egyptians had similar sayings which helped them create the Great Pyramids so marveled at today.

So consider putting your thoughts on wisdom, clarity and true, heartfelt desire. Riches can happen in your life NOW.

Thank you -
From The Grotto of Mystic Amy
AKA: AmyFrerichs-Soukup